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Linux Wine LOL(League of Legends)
, 2012年04月27日 , , 评论 在〈Linux Wine LOL(League of Legends)〉中留言功能已關閉 ,

其他客戶端未經測試 有需求可以去winqh提建議

Step 1: Install Wine1.4 and Winetricks
code: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
添加wine的PPA源(12.04默認有1.4源 舊版本需要添加)
code: sudo apt-get update
code: sudo apt-get install wine1.4
(for Ubuntu12.04 : sudo apt-get install wine)
安裝wine1.4 Ubuntu12.04默認wine就為1.4版本
code: sudo apt-get install winetricks

Step 2: Install Winetricks Extra Components
code: winetricks vcrun2005
安裝vc++ 2005運行庫
code: winetricks wininet
code: winetricks ie6
code: winetricks d3dx9
code: winetricks corefonts
安裝wine字體 以保證不出現口口
code: winetricks adobeair
安裝Adobe Air運行庫

Step 3: Change Wine1.4 Settings to “Windows 7″
code: winecfg
Then, change the Windows Version Setting to “Windows 7″

Step 4: Move a Previous Install of LoL
You should place the folder (Riot Games) into the following location:
Make sure you replace [USER] with the correct name.
ALSO, .wine is sometimes hidden from view, so you may have to find it.

Now that you have completed the above tasks, you will now have to open the LoL Launcher. To do that, you will have to type the following two lines of code into a terminal every time you want to play LoL.
以上無視掉 往下看
code: cd “/home/[USER]/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Program Files/Riot Games/League of Legends/RADS/system”
(changes directory to where you have LoL folder installed)
移動到英雄聯盟的主目錄的/League of Legends/RADS/system文件夾下
code: WINEDEBUG=+ntdll wine “rads_user_kernel.exe” run lol_launcher $(ls ../projects/lol_launcher/releases/) LoLLauncher.exe
運行這段命令:”WINEDEBUG=+ntdll wine “rads_user_kernel.exe” run lol_launcher $(ls ../projects/lol_launcher/releases/) LoLLauncher.exe”
The League of Legends launcher should now appear and begin updating.
CONGRATULATIONS on your new install of League of Legends on Linux!
IF this worked for you, please LIKE this, so that other people will be able to see this post.
IF it didn’t work for you, or you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment.
然後 沒有然後了 我不想再翻譯了 順便給出我的運行截圖

Known Bugs: Because this is NOT meant to be played on Linux, there ARE bugs.
-Store in Lobby/Launcher (NOT IN-GAME) does not work. If you press it, LoL Launcher.exe crashes.
-Health Bar on HUD remains full, no matter how much health you have.
-Recall Bar remains full while you recall.

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