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ZOJ Problem Set – 1007 Numerical Summation of a Series
, 2010年04月10日 , C Language , 评论 在〈ZOJ Problem Set – 1007 Numerical Summation of a Series〉中留言功能已關閉 ,
Numerical Summation of a Series


Time Limit: 10 Seconds      Memory Limit: 32768 KB      Special Judge


Produce a table of the values of the series

Equation 1
for the 2001 values of x, x= 0.000, 0.001, 0.002, …, 2.000. All entries of the table must have an absolute error less than 0.5e-12 (12 digits of precision). This problem is based on a problem from Hamming (1962), when mainframes were very slow by today's microcomputer standards.
